Feeling B-A-D

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying



Look of the Day — Warning! This isn’t one of those grumpy moments where I’m just mad about the world. I’m simply featuring my new favorite headwear aka BAD beanie. True enough, I feel like an instant bad ass whenever I’m wearing it. It doesn’t hurt that I look like a part-time robber too. So whuut! Lol!


School sucks jacket and BAD beanie, Mr. Gugu and Miss Go. Velvet shorts, Forever 21. Tights, OASAP



I really enjoy experimenting with looks, even if all these were just for show (take that, haters). Although I would want, say fall season to come, the weather changes might not be tolerable for me. I’m in love with sunny days, it is no secret. Having revealed that, it’s quite a surprise that I’m not as pissed off as I expect myself to be with all the rainy mornings and days we have. Enough with the ‘self-trivia’ (yes I just made that word up)!


My inspiration for today’s look is the beanie goddess not to mention my ultimate girl crush, Jane Dean. I’d go lesbo (lesbi-honest) in a heartbeat for this girl. She is perfection!


One of my objectives (as per fashion sense) is to be able to wear beanies on a regular day out. Can’t say I did not try but the notion that I have my hair covered with a knit sack is quite bothersome. One day. One day.


Why is it artsy when it comes in black and white?


BTW, tartan is my new obsession. I’ve been hoarding dresses in tartan patterns and now this!!! Too bad my brother bear stole it from my closet and decided to acquire it for himself. Not fair I know, but it seemed fitting for his i-hate-school attitude. Carry on…


School sucks as the jacket says. Oh well! 🙄


Til next post guys!


Stay wicked!
