Done in a Day: A No-Nonsense Christmas Shopping Plan

In PR by Wicked Ying

stress free christmas shopping

Every year it’s the same story. You wait until the last minute to get all of your Christmas shopping done. This year will be different, right? Here’s how to make that promise stick and get all of your shopping done in one day.


Make a List: 6:00AM, Day Of

First thing in the morning: You need to make a list. List-making is probably the single most important thing you will do the day of your shopping. In fact, it might help to make your list in advance – technically, you’re not shopping yet so this doesn’t count against the one-day goal.

But, if you’re a stickler for rules, make your list the day of. Include all of the people you want to buy gifts for. Then, write down one gift per person. Go through your list again and write down another gift. Keep going in this fashion until you have a few reasonably-priced gifts written down.

Now, audit the list. Do you think you can pick up all of these things today at the mall? Or, will you need to go online? How much will you spend on everything? Give it a rough guesstimate. If you don’t have a budget, make one now.

Set a soft budget, quickly check prices for major gifts online, and firm that budget up after.

Start On Black Friday, End on Black Friday

Start your shopping day on Black Friday Weekend. A lot of people are afraid of this. Don’t be. Embrace the chaos. This is when the best deals happen and it’s one of the coolest shopping experiences you’ll have all year. And, if you have a list, it won’t be stressful.

Black Friday weekend is when you can get a lot of your gifts from 20 to 50 percent off. Stores do this to give their 3rd quarter sales a boost, and increase profits before the end of the year. So, logically, this is going to be the single-greatest day to save money.

Get Something to Eat 7:00AM

Eat something before you go out. If you eat a protein-rich breakfast, with a little fat, you’ll be less likely to feel a blood sugar spike, and then the subsequent crash mid afternoon. This will keep your energy up, your mind focused, and will go a long way towards eliminating impulse purchases.

Carbohydrate-rich foods on the other hand will want to make you take a nap. This is no good. Stay away from them.

Dress to the Nines

Dressing to the nines means to dress up really extravagantly. Put on your best dress. For the guys, make sure you look nice. Put on a suit or at least something that’s business casual. Why? According to Professor Darren Dahl, of Sauder School of Business in Vancouver, when people feel insecure, they tend to spend more money on things.

Get Pumped Up

Put on your favorite music on the road trip to the mall. Get yourself pumped up by singing along, dancing in the car, and getting in the spirit of the holidays.

Hit Up the Mall When It Opens

As soon as the doors are unlocked, you should be walking through them. You will not be alone. That’s OK. As long as you’re making your way into the mall when it opens, you’re doing it right. Start at the top of your list and work your way down. That’s it. That’s the “big secret.” Do not stray from the list. Ever.

Surf the Internet – 7-9PM

When you’re done at the mall, it’s time to mop up on the Internet. Anything you couldn’t get at the mall, buy online. If you’re having a hard time shopping for men, check out Macbeth at Zalora.


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