DJ Vinimal

In Music by Wicked Ying


DJ Vinimal — Don’t know him? His real name might ring a bell. He is Callum David.

You might remember him from the Binibining Pilipinas. Yes, he’s the DJ during the swimsuit competition. Well, I honestly have no idea because I haven’t watched the show when it aired. Haha! I just knew about him because he was “trending” on Twitter. You know how I’m always always on Twitter right?! 

Soooo, when we’re in Manila. We happen to see him often in the events we went to. He might be stalking us. I kid! Maybe it’s the other way around. Nyahaha! 😆

 (photo from Steph)

I wonder where I could find specs like this?! Any idea? Been looking for rectangular frames. And no, not the wayfarer type. 🙄

Had the courage to approach him for a photo… My fangirl face! 😀


Sorry DJ Vinimal, I already have my DJ CHRCLMNKY (Charcoal Monkey)



Stay wicked!
