CDO Shopping Haul

In Fashion by Wicked Ying

 CDO Shopping Haul

A super duper mega late post but bear with me on this pretty please… Thankee! 😉 You prolly know that I went on a quick trip to Cagayan de Oro last March right?! And by that then you would’ve guessed that I just couldn’t resist buying a pair of shoes or buying what Steph and I call “must haves”. These so-called must have stuff are killing me, it’s a never-ending list. Do you agree?! 😕

It isn’t that much but I hope you enjoy my shopping finds as much as I do…

Starting off with a denim button up I got from Cache Cache. It’s on 20% off and fabric is lalaloooove. It’s not stiff at all. Makes me want to buy the one in lighter denim too but that could wait. Teehee! :mrgreen:

Pastel top — if that’s “pastel” enough for you.. It’s a minty green with a cut and a fit as if it’s made for moi! Bought more stuff at WAGW. See below!

Neutral sheer button up top. I don’t own a lot of neuts so this is a nice addition to my tops. Yay!

Check out the pleated back! Kyoooot! 😉

Leather shorts. Yeah! The one I couldn’t seem to stop wearing in my last few looks.

Worn them here and here and here again!

White blazer — Laveeeet…. Feeling doctora on duty lang! Hahaha!! (See here)

Shoes from Centropelle. It was some sort of a reflex action to buy it. Didn’t even bother to fit them properly. All I wanted was to have a pair of red chunky heels. Period!

Stuff for the feet. These gel cushions work for me on two ways, as a cork (for better fit) and to relieve my feet from kicks that I couldn’t even last a few hours wearing. Fashion over comfort?! Hmmm… 

Lastly, magazines. Some of these can’t be found in Butuan especially MEGA. Boooo! 🙄


P.S. Did you miss me during my “no new blog post” days?! I’m out from my hibernation (I think!). I’ll try to publish my drafts that have piled up over time. I also miss posting looks and editing outfit shots. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good sunny weather here so I could blog about my new clothes from ze sponsors.. Mehe! :mrgreen:


Stay wicked!
