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The Wicked Ying x CesaPH: A Million Gray Areas

In Fashion, Lifestyle, Photography by Wicked Ying

Wicked Ying for CesaPH in collaboration with Photo Diaries — a poolside shoot / mini-getaway within Butuan’s city limits at Almont Inland Resort. Done within an hour’s worth of shooting time, an iPhone, a trusty digital camera in tow and some post-processing thereafter — hope you enjoyed the photo series from Nawe and moi!

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Look 155: La Dame Dans Noir

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion, Photography by Wicked Ying

Look 155 La Dame Dans Noir The Lady in Black Black silk dress, made by yours truly.. Feathered headband. Black stockings. Black DM boots (courtesy of the photographer). Voodoo doll necklace. Black. Noir. Some call it a color, some beg to disagree. Either way, it never fails to fascinate me. 😈   I’ve always dreamed of this certain concept. Dark, …

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A Concept Brought to Life

In Beauty, Photography, Wicked by Wicked Ying

It is almost a year-long concept for which finally we found the time to do it. A combination of both our passion for photography, music and yes, my favorite color. Purple smoky eyes, lavender lip, purple background, an accessory that I dearly treasure – just some of the things which I could say “ME”. The photo could derive so many expressions, thoughts, ideas, explanations that I’m lost for words on how to describe it.