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Irresistible Me Diamond Hair Styler Review

In Beauty, Literary, Opinions, and Reviews by Wicked Ying

I have a new hairstyling tool up for review. This might be the first time (if I’m not mistaken) that you’d see me flaunting straight hair. Out of all the Irresistible Me hair product merch, I chose to review the Diamond Professional Flat Iron. I’ve never really owned a hair straightener before so this was an easy choice to make!

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Monochrome Mondays: Mundane Misconceptions

In Literary, Opinions, and Reviews by Wicked Ying

Have you ever felt highly misunderstood? That everything you wanted to express realizes into what’s opposite of it? That time and again you see yourself as a failure to those you hold dearly? Why is it so hard to appease them? That no matter how hard you try, it just seems like you couldn’t do anything right?