BeautyMNL is like a virtual place where drugstore makeups meet Asian makeup brands. It has everything from makeup to skincare to haircare and even organic brands. I’m no expert but I know my ways around online shops to know what’s legit and what’s worth it.
Social Media Trends 2016
My profession as a freelance Digital Marketer relies heavily on social media and working in a competitive industry means being well-informed. To stay relevant, I find it a must to keep up with announcements concerning updates, changes, and/or trends. It allows me to explore new methods vs. tried and tested ones.
Minga Berlin Eco-Fashion Socks
This is our first attempt on video production and shot entirely using ASUS Zenfone Selfie
Asus Zenfone Selfie Deluxe Unboxing and Review
As a post-birthday gift to myself, getting a new smartphone sounds like a good idea. It is a need I’ve been putting off for so long. Being stuck at Android OS 4.3 is no fun! Anyway, with eyes closed and a little moolah saved for this sole purpose, I ordered Asus Zenfone Selfie Deluxe from Aliexpress!
On Love, Loss, and Grief
Hollo everyone! Guess who’s back? Four months of blogging hiatus and I’m starting to wonder whether my thoughts are still worth publishing. Unsure whether I still have the knack for writing, drafting this post now feels like forever. It takes a bit of time getting reacquainted with an old (forgotten) habit. As a getting-used-to activity, let me share with you some of the event highlights during my absence.
Your Tea: Fertility Tea Review
New goodies came in fresh from our trusty local post office this week and it has something to do with ‘healthy lifestyle’ promotion. You might have already seen this familiar brand from other bloggers posts so I’m pretty sure you have an idea what tea-toxing is about.
Monochrome Mondays: High on the Beach
Hollo! Long time no post, eh?! This set might be long overdue but I feel like sharing with you some of the shots at the beach by my good friend Banawe of Photo Diaries. It’s kinda obvious how we both have this thing for shadows and silhouettes. More to come soon!