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In Deep Thoughts

In Lifestyle, Photography, Travel, Wicked by Wicked Ying

  Random thoughts in motion 1. Excited to go on a quick summer vacay! (B-E-A-C-H) 2. Will I be able to complete my 365? Apparently, I’ve started to hoard looks for the upcoming days…  😉 3. Where do I want to travel next? 4. I’m full..after our pigging out (pizza, macaroni, fries, garlic stix, coolers!) Yeah that’s me and my …

365 Days Photography + Looks

In Fashion, Lifestyle, Photography, Wicked by Wicked Ying

Too engrossed with Charcoal Monkey and I’s chitchat last night, we suddenly came up with something to keep the site going. Thing is, a lot of photographers do 365 days posting photos they took each day. I’d like to do my own version with a twist. It is going to be 365 photos, not just ordinary photos but fashion inspired …

The Oath Taking

In Lifestyle by Wicked Ying

    Yesterday was the 6th Oath Taking Ceremony in Caraga Region for the Nursing Board Passers, an assembly of new board passers from different nursing schools in the region. I happen to attend it, out of sheer curiosity and just because I had to, thereby leaving me no choice but to “be there”. Nothing fancy going on during the …

Don’t Know Why

In Music, Wicked by Wicked Ying

It’s 2am (15 minutes til 3am to be exact) and I’m wide awake. Up and tweeting, working, editing the old posts, still scouring the files hoping for it to at least look slightly neat and aligned. Can’t wait to see what my eyes would look like tomorrow. I’d be wakon ays (raccoon eyes) again in no time. @_@ So what about …

I Heart Purple

In Lifestyle, Photography, Wicked by Wicked Ying

  Purple. What about purple? What is it about purple that I go gaga for? I say why not! Why not purple! :p Step into the light… Don’t hate.. Appreciate!   Now I ask you, what color do you bleed? xoxo

WickedYing on the Prowl

In Music, Wicked by Wicked Ying

Been busy prowling the webs for cheap web hosting sites. The thought of having my own website scares me, but the good thing is that it has no limits, no reservations, and no restrictions. I can do anything I want with it. Purple themes, subpages, sub domains, and all. I may sound techie but to tell you frankly I am …

For the love of Lookbook!

In Fashion, Lifestyle, Photography by Wicked Ying

  While at work with BeautyWired, I was amazed with artsy photos posted by  amazing bloggers and fashion savants. Decided to give it a try. Skipped the work routine and headed on the tabs with Lookbook as well as Tumblr. It’s a cool community, expressing yourself through photos, explaining your everyday look, and just about anything. Plus, your “look” gets …