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Church and White Linen

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Look of the Day – First #ootd post after four long years everyone! This is my 237th outfit post aside from my 365 days project in 2011. I feel like I’ve outgrown doing this gig but to my surprise I still get collab/sponsorship emails every now and then. It is hard to pass up the opportunity especially now that I am trying to get my blog up and running again. Anyway, 7 years and 600+ outfits later, hello I’m back!

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Blushing in Pink Satin

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Look of the Day — Here’s what I wore for a quick brunch with my girls. I didn’t get the memo on wearing dress but it’s a good thing that my top is fancy not to mention shiny enough to pass the imposed dress code. Lol!

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Knit and Cozy

In Lifestyle, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

The past few weeks has been nothing but gloomy mornings and afternoon showers. Today, I woke up extra early to write a post for my very own blog. This is a post about ‘several failed attempts’. Good morning! After several failed attempts… I managed to make a quick OOTD post here if you can call it that. Reading has become …

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Midi Situation

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Look of the Day — Two weeks ago, I had the chance to collaborate with PINKaholic again for their latest collection. It is always an exciting time for me because I get to put on clothes that I couldn’t imagine myself wearing. Ergo, midi skirts and cullotes! Lol!

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Faded Bordeaux

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Look of the Day — What do you do when you get to pick only one item from a new sponsor? Why choose the fanciest must-have there is! In this case, I found it in the form of deep dark red (or burgundy?) leather jacket!

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Stick to the Basics

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Look of the Day — I don’t know if I am unconsciously aging fast or getting lazier by the minute but I find myself drawn to basic clothing more and more. For once I can admittedly say that I have had enough with the trendy outfits.

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Easy Breezy

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Would you agree on the idea that the only thing keeping you from the things you want to achieve is yourself? We’ve always had this inner voice of doubt questioning our every move. Being a pessimist myself, I know it has been hard to trust whether you can do things or not. However, I thought that if you don’t believe in yourself, then who would?