Another round of giveaway from iWhite Korea. You know the drill! Click on the widget below and follow these easy steps: a Rafflecopter giveaway Ends on Aug. 30, 2013. Philippine readers only. Goodluck!
The Vaintage Shoppe Giveaway
Oh snap! I’ts time for another round of giveaway for the lovely readers. A hint of lace and color would be a cool addition to your closet. That being said, I’m giving away a pair of pink lace shorts courtesy of Vaintage Shoppe. How to win? Simply like our pages on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and share the giveaway …
Inlovewithfashion X The Wicked Ying Giveaway
It’s time for another blog giveaway ladies! Ready? I’m giving away this black strap back skater dress courtesy of Inlovewithfashion. It’s a size XS-S. As seen in this post. Wanna know how? Simply Like our Facebook pages, follow us on Twitter, and share our giveaway link! All these can be done through Rafflecopter widget found below: a Rafflecopter giveaway …
Bloggers United 5 Winners
As I’ve posted in my Facebook page, I’m giving away 20 passes to the 5th installment of Bloggers United. Will I be seeing you guys this coming Saturday?! That’s June 1, SMX Hall 3 (coolest venue everrrr!) at 10am-8pm. Please don’t forget to drop by our booth. We’ll be selling pre-loved clothes, some shoes, and new items from PINKaholic! …
iWhite Korea Blog Giveaway
Yes we’re giving away a gift pack full of iWhite products for my dear readers! What do you say guys? Mechanics are easy peasy I promise, all you have to do is follow iWhite Korea on Twitter and give their Facebook page a like. That includes my accounts as well. Are you ready?! Click on the link below and …
The Wicked Ying x Sgt Sailor Giveaway
It’s been months since my last giveaway. I’ve teamed up with Sgt. Sailor to give you a cool chance to win an arm party loot! Philippine readers only. Giveaway ends on May 12, 2013. Like SGT. Sailor and The Wicked Ying on Facebook Follow @Sgtsailor and @wickedying on Twitter Tweet “I want to win arm candies from @Sgtsailor and …
Little J Accessories Giveaway
It’s been months since I last hosted a blog giveaway. And since March is my blog’s birth month, I was thinking of ways to give back to my loyal readers and friends. First up to be given away is a flower crown from Little J accessories. It’s part of their Garden Collection. You know very well how my mechanics go, …