Camo Reloaded

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying


Camo Reloaded

Skull cutouts top, Vaintage. Camo jacket, PINKaholic. Leather panel hotshorts, Topshop. Skeleton boots, Heel and Sole. Necklace, Forever 21. Ring, Little London.


Look of the Day — Military-inspired/utilitarian looks are sooo in nowadays they’re all over Lookbook! Luck is on my side when I bought this camouflage jacket from PINKaholic…the very last piece! Frown not, they’ve had this restocked already. Go go go!

Keeping the look toned down by sticking to black pieces. Thus, makes it a tad bit edgy(ier). Lol! 😆

I’m loving this skull top. It took me a while before I could post a look wearing it because I can’t seem to find the right pieces that would work. Thanks to Erleen of Vaintage for being so patient and up to date in sending me goodies!

When in doubt, I resort to black shorts. I got a bazillion of them but these leather paneled ones seem to be the perfect fit. What do you think? 🙄

And when I don’t do the “hand-in-my-hair” thing in photos, this is what I would look. Very Lion King levels lang! I’m using a hair product called soft-flocker my aunt gave me. It gives me that much needed volume with a touch of just-curled look. You see, caring for your hair takes a little shilling out of funds. I hate it when my roots grow, that means I need retouching again. Once you’ve dyed your hair, hair-coloring treatments are endless. Pfffttt! 😡  


LOTD done! As early as now, I can tell that this won’t be my last camo outfit post.. When a trend is boyf-approved, it’s cool! In other news, if you haven’t joined my latest giveaway yet, read more about the post HERE. There are 2 items for two winners. Good luck! 😉


Stay wicked!
