Bloggers United 3 — Third Time’s a Charm

In Fashion by Wicked Ying

Bloggers United 3 — Third Time’s a Charm

Third time’s a charm indeed. Another successful event and I’m so proud I was given the opportunity to be part of it. Not only we were given the chance to sell our clothes but also help a charitable institution at the same time. Couldn’t get any better don’t you think?! 😉

See how jampacked the place was?! Shoppers are everywhere!!

While it’s been chaos (take note: chaos) at our booth, Steph and I were so giddy because almost all out clothes were sold before 6PM thanks to our convincing levels and to the visitors’ haggling skills. Lol! :mrgreen:

Our “ukay-ukay” level table! Haha! :lol:Here’s our humble booth.. Can’t believe all my shoes got sold! Whew! 

Best booth — JL of Only the Marvelous won!

If you spend too much time ‘Lookbooking’, I’m sure you’ll recognize the girl behind Brown Platform, Anastasia Siantar of Indonesia. She flew all the way from IND to MNL for the event. Yay! I’ve known her for quite a while because of our link exchange thingy before so it was cool she recognized me and I was able to chat with her for a while about make up and shoes. Oh yeah! 😉

JL and Domz bought PINKaholic stuff!

With the coolest people everrrrr namely Karl, Paul and Kookie… 😉

Bisdak bloggers! 😈

Goodies / freebies for us. Woohoo!! Thank you event sponsors!


That’s eeeet guys! I won’t bomb you with too much photos (as if this post isn’t too much yet).. I’ll upload the rest on my Facebook so if you like, you can browse it there. Haha! Or better yet, if you have photos of the event, tag me!!! I kid.. Thanks to those who came especially to those who bought our stuff.. Before I forget, thanks to Pax and the gang for inviting us! Til’ next BU event! 



Stay wicked!
