Look of the Day — Anyone heard about the term sack dress? I think I have found one in the form of a loose denim dress. Technically, it is defined as a loose, unbelted dress that hangs straight from the shoulder to the hemline. There are times when you have to trust your guts hoping the color combination would work out and I think the blues and browns married into a harmonious blend. What do you think?!
“All about chemistry
Won’t you show me everything you know
Ah wonder what you do to me
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh
All about chemistry
Won’t you show me everything you’ve learned
I’ll memorize everything you do to me so I can
Teach it when it comes my turn…”
Denim dress + vintage watch, Aupie. Studded bag, Maxene’s Closet. Kendall sunnies, Fly Shades. Heels, Forever 21. Gold chain necklace, Li’s Closet.
All about Chemistry – The word chemistry can either be used in it’s usual meaning or it could also be used as a one-word explanation to something rather unexplainable. You get my drift, right?! Either way, it’s all about bonds and attractions. I had the chance to experience it in a not so orderly manner. I promise not to delve into details but it is most definitely a game-changer. Positive outcome, just as expected.
Anyhooo, forgive the lack of posts. As of late, I’ve been dealing with a few stressors and good thing there are activities that can balance it out like meeting up with friends. I do not have exciting memories during my high school years but catching up with them takes us back to our youthful teenage years, a decade ago to be exact.
Here’s a look featuring goodies from a new sponsor namely, Aupie. My search for a denim dress is finally over. I really wanted one TBH!
And to use up all the credits, I added this vintage-looking timepiece to the cart. Teehee!
Kept my palette in a strictly blue and brown combi.
I prefer this as an everyday look. Whatcha think?!
Long time no wear, shoes I mean.
I have another giveaway coming up. It will be hosted by one of my sponsors. Keep posted! 😉
Stay wicked!