A Prisoner of My Own Mind

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying



Look of the Day — In another black and white look for the nth time! Sorry to say but I’m still not over the monochrome trend yet. You have to bear with me on this one as I am quite sure this kind of number can go on and on and on. Teehee!



Black and white stripe cutout dress, Inlovewithfashion. Spike wedges, DAS. Stud earrings, Penshoppe. Spike bracelet, from bazaar. 



Stripes when done right can give us illusion of a curvy figure despite the petite frame. I can’t seem to get enough of this cut like seriously. If you’ve browsed my past looks, most dresses I have gotten from Inlovewithfashion are similar to this. The only difference? Print and length! Hahaha! 😆


 From “prisoner” to hip and modern, stripes have become a trend only a few women would dare. Why? Because we still have this notion that it doesn’t do any justice to our figure. The secret lies in illusion and proportion. 



What I love about this dress is how it creates an illusion of curves. It’s cute. Who knew stripes can do wonders (given they come in diagonal patterns too)?


And because the stripes can be overwhelming, I decided to make the dress short(er) by tucking in the bottom hem. It’s the only way I can tweak it so I won’t look like I’m drowning in the said cloth. Lol!




My ever favorite DAS shoes. It’s my first choice whenever I’d wear something formal. Love eeeeet!




Stay wicked!
