Look of the Day — You’ve read the title right. It’s go bold or go home when it comes to prints. I know wearing blanc et noir may seem so redundant with my looks lately but what can I do? It’s a trend that has proven itself as timeless. Investing in black and white pieces can be so beneficial. Seriously.
Houndstooth longsleeve cropped top and peplum shorts, PINKaholic. Customized heels, DAS. Quilted leather bag, Mango.
As I have said time and again, dressing up in casual black and white pieces need not be boring. It can be as fun as its colorful counterparts. You can play with prints, cuts, silhouette, patterns, textures, etc. The options can go on and on and on, you just have to be willing to try and experiment.
Bold prints such as this ginormous houndstooth print I’m wearing is eyecathing, yes? 😉
Keeping up with the trends can be distressing. It comes and it goes that’s why I prefer investing in staple pieces that I can wear whatever season it is. You just have to know what you like and what you’re comfortable in. That way, you won’t have to buy whatever the hot items are this season because you have your own identity, your very own style.
As for own “style”, what you see is what you get. Obviously, you can tell that I don’t dig into the nitty gritty details. I wear what I want to wear because I like it and I feel good wearing such pieces. Shorts, on the other hand, has become my kryptonite. I just cannot say no to shorts. I like them in all colors, cuts, and textures. Maybe the reason is that, I wasn’t able to wear them during my high school and college days. I was reintroduced to it recently, thanks to the fashion gods!
And another obligatory shoes/bag shot. I swear my boyf knows how to get detail shots now. Laveeet!
Anyhoo, this post was supposedly due yesterday but after a series of unfortunate events, I have to postpone it. All is well now though. I am inhaling the positivity and exhaling the stress away!
Stay wicked!