Yakuza Moon
My appetite for reading is back. Yay! I wouldn’t say it is insatiable but I’m grateful that at least I still have time for it. It takes a hefty amount of time, effort, as well as interest to find a piece worth reading.
If you have watched the episode Tokyo Mafia on National Geographic Channel’s Inside, you might have seen a short interview of Shoko Tendo, daughter of what was then a yakuza boss. For the most part, her book was renowned because it was her personal experience. A first-hand narration about the yakuza lifestyle that’s free from glitz and sugarcoating. It’s like a biography of what she’s been through and what it’s like to be in the yakuza world.
Yakuza Moon is about her life and her struggles. In her words:
“But this book is not just about the yakuza. It’s the story of my life and in it you’ll find the universal themes and concerns that anyone, of any
walk of life, of any nationality, can relate to: bullying, delinquency, drugs, imprisonment, love, violence, marriage, divorce, debt, eating
disorders, attempted suicide, sickness, and death.”
True. If you think you’ve been through a lot in life, wait until you have read her story. She’s been used and abused. Abuse for once, is something we’ve all (maybe not all but mostly) has been through. It is a debilitating process. You find yourself undeserving and unworthy of anything. You don’t want to be alone so you settle for the current situation you’re in. Next thing you know, it has been going on repeat as if it’s a cycle. You’re not totally free from it, just on remission. Apart from the physical scars, you develop psychological trauma alongside it. Trust me, I’ve been there and I know what I’m talking about. I still feel that tinge of paranoia and fear each time I see the person. It’s weird. But enough about that!
I hope you get to read the book too! Any suggestions on what’s good to read next? Let’s be friends on Goodreads! It’s a place for people to rate and review the books they’ve read and share it with their friends too. Awesome! 😉
Stay wicked!