Look 22: Drama Queen

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion, Photography, Wicked by Wicked Ying

Look 22.

Couldn’t find any heels to go with it so I made my take on posting it half.

Sleeveless top. DIY denim cutoffs. That’s pretty much it.

Thanks to the Photoshop gods, it made the photo a lot less eewie..

Drama queen? Now where did that come from?

I really do not know.

Saddened by my own thoughts, fueled by my inadequacy.

Plans undone, poor work performance and guilty of it.

I had my own share of drama too. I do not know as to why this happens but it happens a helluva lot!

I miss long talks, long walks. I miss outdoors and sunny days. I miss everything that was once nothing.

Cure? All I crave for is something sweet. Anything that is food. Is that too much to ask?

A sumptuous meal. A dessert. My favorite cup of coffee, hot or cold.

Switching mode, I’m out!