Modern Maria Clara: A Woman of No Compromise

In PR by Wicked Ying



Modern Maria Clara: A Woman of No Compromise

Traditional, stay-at-home and a too safe sense of fashion—these are some of the traits that come to mind when we hear the term Maria Clara. But today’s modern and fast-paced lifestyle has redefined the concept of the Filipino woman most of us once knew.

“It is evident nowadays that modern women are more dynamic, confident, outspoken and inquisitive. They are now firmer regarding their convictions, and as much as possible, they don’t want their principles and passions to be compromised,” shares Rose Sumera, Marketing Manager of Kimberly-Clark Philippines.

Take passionate blogger, music enthusiast, and actress Saab Magalona for example. She believes that being a public figure doesn’t give anyone the right to demand for special treatments. She is all for equality and she is firm about that principle. “It’s because you can only stand in what you believe in,” says Saab.

On the other hand, fashion designer, song-writer and musician Kate Torralba deems that she will never compromise her self-expression, since that is the main inspiration of her outputs. Meanwhile co-owner of Prive Luxury club and Vice President for Marketing of Republiq Club and Opus Restaurant and Lounge Kimberly Yao says, ”I will not compromise redefining Manila’s nightlife and events scene. This city never sleeps and nothing should stop me from producing amazing events and creating world class nightlife experiences.”

For courtside reporters, Magic 89.9 radio jocks and hosts Jessica Mendoza and Andi Manzano their hectic work schedule has in fact, made them learn how to prioritize more important things in life. Both are proud to say they have learned how to balance things and they don’t let their interests in life get compromised just because they are often rushed off their feet.

“Again, it’s about maintaining equilibrium—career, family, love and how they are all symbiotic to my existence as I am as a modern woman,” shares Andi. Jessica adds, “It’s a cliché but everybody says if you really want to, you can make time. I’ve worked with so many people who are busier than I am and I have seen how they balance things out. So I always tell myself that, hey, I can do it, too!”

 These women are dynamic, and we have seen how they flourished in their careers. Indeed, they are the most ideal examples of modern women because they do not compromise their freedom to excel in different fields even when faced with life’s dilemmas. Nonetheless, we all know that alongside every inevitable issue they deal with, they have to face a regular phase that affects them physically and emotionally—their monthly period.


Say Goodbye to Compromise

The global inventor of feminine pads, Kotex now introduces another first in pads. As the first ever sanitary pad that comes with intelligent guards that gently rise as soon as it comes in contact with fluid, the new KOTEX® with ProActive Guards is developed as an innovative product that will eliminate compromise for good.

“KOTEX® revolutionized the product to gently cradle a woman’s body for a close fit, forming protective barriers to provide the ultimate leakage protection. The pad also comes with Rapid Absorb Funnels, which are specially designed to absorb fluid during heavy or sudden flow, locking the liquid away securely and preventing leakage,” Sumera says.

 Now, every dynamic Filipino woman, like Saab, Kate, Kimberly, Jessica and Andi, will no longer worry about embarrassing leakage mishaps affecting their lifestyle. With KOTEX® with ProActive Guards, modern Maria Claras will be more empowered to go about their days without compromising things they love and the activities they have yet to explore, even when they have their period.


An Innovation for the Modern Woman

“Even though women today have become increasingly active, career-driven, and savvy in various aspects, 60% still find it hard to concentrate on their daily tasks during their menstrual cycle because they fear leakage may happen at any given time, resulting in embarrassing situations,” explains Sumera.

This inevitably causes women to compromise their lifestyle, which varies from work-related errands to leisure activities, including what to wear. They end up choosing baggy clothes, dark or loose pants, and unflattering, oversized shirts simply to conceal any stains should their pad start to leak. Some go to the extent of compromising their public activities, changing their plans to avoid social situations altogether just because they don’t feel “up to it” during their period.

With a keen understanding of reality and what women go through, KOTEX® has worked tirelessly to ensure women regain their social lifestyles, fashion bravura, and ultimately, the confidence to express their femininity. “KOTEX® believes that today’s Maria Claras, who are basically progressive women, deserve a more elegant solution to tackle leakage problems, and this solution has been the driving force behind the innovation of KOTEX® with ProActive Guards,” Sumera says.


KOTEX® with ProActive Guards is available in:









  • KOTEX® SOFT & SMOOTH 28cm Overnight 
  • KOTEX® SOFT & SMOOTH 32cm Overnight 

1.       KOTEX® LUXE* Ultrathins







KOTEX® LUXE* Ultrathins

  • KOTEX® LUXE* 23cm Ultrathin
  • KOTEX® LUXE* 32cm Ultrathin Overnight


KOTEX® brand is committed to helping women make informed choices every day. For decades, KOTEX® has introduced innovation after innovation as a result of our intimate understanding of women’s bodies and the lifestyles they lead. Our innovations come from our desire to not only satisfy the needs of today’s women but also to inspire them with new ways on how to protect and care for their bodies. To learn more about the new KOTEX® products, visit