Baby, Heaven’s in Your Eyes

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Baby, Heaven’s in Your Eyes

Lion-print top and red boyfriend blazer, PINKaholic. White highwaist shorts, Dimmy’s. Neon yellow belt, Forever 21. Choker necklace, OASAP. Perfect 2 shoes, Jeffrey Campbell.


How’s everyone’s summer?! Long time no LOTD post! 😉

When the weather  itself doesn’t know whether it should shine all day or rain in the afternoon, the safest thing you can wear is to bring  a cover up, a cardigan or a blazer. Thus, the look. When you can’t take the heat anymore, simply remove the extra layer. When it rains, put it on. That simple! It’s kinda convenient in a season like this. 

Maybe we all should buy blazers in all colors of the rainbow, whatcha think?! :mrgreen:

In a secluded part of the city, we found this place that’s clean and well enough to pass as a “photo taken somewhere else but Butuan”. 🙂

We still managed to change into heels, pose, and snap despite the passersby occasionally seeing glimpses of my middle finger. I can’t stress enough how annoying they could get. You get my point.. 👿

Light light light! Have you seen the latest Perfect 2 shoes with all the spikes on it? It’s effin’ purrrrrfect! 😀


“Red, white, blue’s in the skies..

Summer’s in the air, baby heaven’s in your eyes…

I’m your national anthem..”

This song has been haunting me.. LSS all the way!


I still have tons of work (and play) under my sleeves tonight. Dear girlfriends of gamer boyfriends, please don’t go bitchin’ on your boyfies if they play Diablo 3. Join in on the bandwagon instead, it’s definitely worth it! You’ll get hooked I assure you that. Lol!

For the first time, I was done working on a contribution for an online fashion website. Of course, I took the chance of using Filipino made products (shoes!) and included the photos in the collage itself. Woot woot! It’s the coolest thing everrr! I know it would take extra effort and time making collages and articles to share but I love every bit of it. Seeing my photo and description on the masthead is overwhelming. Can’t wait to share it with you once the post is up! 😉

Anyway, I’m ending this a little early. I think I talked way too much on several topics in just a single post. I still have to prepare the next post for the blog giveaway winners.. I’ll publish it tomorrow if I can’t finish it tonight! Promise!


Stay wicked!
