Live Fast, Die Pretty
Lace bralet and neon pink belt, Forever 21. Floral cover up and studded denim shorts, PINKaholic. Skeleton boots, Heel and Sole.
Look of the Day! Very summer lang!
As opposed to the bad weather here, I came up with another floral ensemble that I’d prolly wear if I had enough guts and confidence to do a midriff number. I miss sunny days! 😥
Love the way the pink belt has exactly the same color as the one in my sheer floral cover up.
So I guess I wasn’t able to hide my not-so-flat tummy huh?! 🙄
More photos… Seriously, the sheer cover up screams summer to me. I could see myself wearing this at ze beach! 😉
Got to wear my skeleton boots again. They’re pretty tough to put on.. I still love these babies anyway! 😉
In other news, I’ve joined yet another contest. This time it’s all about the shoes.. Yes, shoes! Not only will I get to win $250 worth of shoes, but my voters could win $150 worth of shoes too, now how cool is that?! 😆
Voting starts tomorrow and voting runs daily. Will do another blog post about it so no worries. Let’s do this, ayt?! I know I could always count on you guys!
Stay wicked!