Look 293: Pearlescent

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 293


Metallic sweater, PINKaholic. Leopard print shorts and tassel necklace, Forever 21. Animal print booties, AsianVogue. Rings, bought locally.


Pearlescent –> It’s the first thing (or term) that came to my mind when I was in deep thoughts, making up my mind what to call Look 293. The sweater isn’t silver nor pewter. It’s more of white pearl-ish to me. Just sayin’!

Now this is the part where I talk about the LOTD right? Okay here goes… Out of my desire to wear the sweater again, I pulled it out grabbed whatever pair of shorts that has the best fit and not “attention-grabbing” then experimented with a pair of booties that practically caught my eye whilst changing clothes. To lessen the plainness (yes, there is such a word) of it, I added up the fringe necklace I recently bought mainly because they’re 20% off. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten them. Pricey accessories aren’t my thing. Needless to say, I buy once in a while.

Is it me or lengthy outfit description always ends up with “flight of ideas”? 🙄

The wind is blowing my hair effect! Choz!

This position must’ve been a wrong angle in reference to the sun. I find it weird when half of my face is too bright while the other is too dark. Creepy!!! 

This is what happens when the one who takes the photos is standing up. You’re immediately shortened if I may say. When taking outfit shots, the photographer should stoop down. That way, photos result into a taller you! Haha! I’ve read that tip from Camille’s blog. We’ve been doing that trick all this time though.

Can you guess who’s making a comeback? My clothes as well as Amber. She’s smart and I think she does this on purpose. Lol! :mrgreen:


I slept the day away today for I woke up at 2PM. Working, watching movie (Friends with Benefits) then back to work again last night. I was surprised when I glanced at the window, the sun’s already up! Glanced at the clock and yes it’s 6AM! 13 hours of straight work and no, I’m not planning to kill myself through that.. Haha! By the way, the movie isn’t that great at all. It’s dragging, half of the scenes is all about Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis making out. Boyf and I enjoyed watching episode after episode of South Park way better than Friends with Benefits. 😈

Oh, thanks for the overwhelming replies about my tweet regarding those Folded and Hung shoes. I want, no, actually I neeeeeed those shoes. Consider that my birthday wish to own those pretty red shoesies. Help me find em?! 😉

Gotta goes!


Stay wicked!
