Look 230: Not a Corset!

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 230

Not a Corset!

Black top, Ms. Blue distressed highwaist shorts, PINKaholic. Blue suede pumps, SM Parisian.


I’m feeling all matchy matchy with my shorts and shoes. I love these pumps but I hate the way my veins pop out everytime I wear them. Despite the not-so-nice effect, I still dig how the feet creates an arch. Amazing what heels can do! 😉

A boring look for a boring day! Haha! I hate rainy days that much. 🙄

Have you seen this pic? I got so ecstatic seeing two of my favorite bloggers on a pic together. Rumi Neely of FashionToast and Chiara Ferragni of The Blonde Salad. Amazing bloggers indeed! They’ve made a name for themselves and are well-established personas in the blogosphere. 😉

I don’t wanna do anything except staying in bed the entire day. I’mma post this one early so I can stretch out and be lazy as crap today! Haha! I deserve it though. After all, I was a busy bee yesterday.

Stay wicked!
