Look 69: Wink with Pink

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 69

Wink with Pink

Pink bandage dress, Pinkaholic. D&G inspired face wedges, HeelAndSole.

I’m am doing the wink in pink with my new face wedges I got from HeelAndSole. They’re just too cute they’re almost edible. Haha! I wish I could wear them often.

Anyone interested in buying this dress? Tweet me or send me a personal message on Facebook. 😉

I was having thoughts whether to crop the photo in half or have it whole. I haven’t published my article about these new babies yet so I was dillydallying a bit. I blab too much that I have lots of drafts pending with only photos to add. 😈

It’s Monday but no thrifting today for me. Might need to visit other places during this day off. Could be a boutique, salon or could be a dental clinic. Oh noes! :oops:Which is which?

I almost reached 2 thousand blog visits last week. Yey! So the counter’s back to zero again. Hope y’all won’t cease to visit my blog. :mrgreen:

I got over a hundred hearts on Lookbook too. Which is another thing to be happy about. Everyone’s too sweet! Thank you wicked people! 😈

Aren’t my smileys all colorful? Have a nice day ahead. I’ll be enjoying my Monday without the lure of the internet!