50 Shades Trilogy

In Literary, Opinions, and Reviews by Wicked Ying

50 Shades Trilogy


I was caught up reading these books the past week that I decided to do some sort of book review (but not really). If it hadn’t been for my friend who urged me to get a grip I wouldn’t have seen myself joining the bandwagon of fanatics.

To start with, I don’t understand why the trilogy had mixed reactions from readers/reviewers given the publicity gained was slightly overrated. Overrated to the point that I was intrigued myself that’s why I succumbed to reading such. I do agree that it was written in a sexual context but who cares anyway? I think there’s more to the story than its perceived erotica genre. 

The story was fast-paced and I find myself finishing the 3 books in less than a week. Reading it in pdf file is way better than it’s paperback counterpart. Scrolling down is better than turning pages…oh well! 


3 scenarios which moved me are:


1. Christian Grey’s proposal to Ana — His line is sure as hell the sweetest. He took note that the girl is hoping for a “hearts and flowers” guy. And he simply said, “You have my heart, now I’m giving you flowers”. It’s not exactly the line he said but you get my point. (If only I could shot my boyfriend with an elixir of showiness I would’ve done that ages ago. Haha!)

2. Ana to Gia confrontation — Don’t you just hate it when predators and coquettes prey on someone particularly your boyfriend or husband? I feel her when she made a move to warn Gia about her casual flirty gestures. Dang! I think I just did that too but only in a phone call. I wasn’t in my usual self hearing my own voice interrogating someone and eventually texting them to back off. Trust me, my “inner goddess” was quite aghast too.

3. Ana to Elena — Let’s face it, when we’re in a relationship, we always (always!) have to deal with the exes. Elena was one heck of an ex who obviously can’t get over Christian and was doing everything to ruin his newfound relationship. Errr, I wish I could throw drinks at someone too without the bf thinking that it’s your fault. Haha! Ana called Elena a Bitch Troll; suits her. Honestly, do we really have to deal with bitch trolls forever? I hate the thought but I guess we have to, not unless the man himself understands exes are “hard limits”. Pfffffftttt!


Has anyone else read the book aside from me? I’m now part of the 31 million (e-book and paperback total book sales) who read it! I heard they’re in the roll of making a movie. Universal Pictures just paid the author (E.L James) 5 mil to have sole filmmaking rights. That’s huge! But perhaps not as huge as the money they’ll be garnering out of movie sales. I hate novel-to-movie stuff because I always end up frustrated, take the Da Vinci Code as an example. Since we’re talking movies, I’m beginning to ponder on whom I’d like to see portraying the role of Christian and Ana. Alex Petyfer? Ian Somerhalder? Or Matt Bomer? Hmmm… News said they’re still a long shot from casting. So who’s your bet?

Saw a lot of meme’s on the net, thought I’d  share them with you! It’s funny!


Til my next read..


Stay wicked!
