Last week was a total shoe blast! Thrifted two gorgeous pairs of shoes plus received 2 new pairs from my former roomie.
Here are the two gorgeous pairs thrifted from last week’s shoe hunting…
Took these black wedge out for a dinner. Man they’re high! Makes me look real tall and yes, skinny!! Feels like you’re walking on tiptoes but sure they’re comfortable. 😉
What do you think about my editing skills? Am I improving? haha!
Another cutie camel pairs brought by my roomie. Freshly delivered from Cebu to my doorstep. Thanks Viannie Mae!
I do not know my latest shoe count. Last time it was around more or less 40 pairs. I hope I get to feature them all this time around or maybe sell some of them, that is, if someone’s interested.
Will be pimping out another site for shop and the other one for all photography stuff! I got unlimited space baby! Now DROOL! 😈